1. 地图 (Map)
2. 比例尺 (Scale)
3. 方位 (Orientation)
4. 经度 (Longitude)
5. 纬度 (Latitude)
6. 地理坐标 (Geographic Coordinates)
7. 地理特征 (Geographic Features)
8. 地形 (Topography)
9. 海拔高度 (Elevation)
10. 海洋 (Ocean)
11. 大陆 (Continent)
12. 国家 (Country)
13. 省份 (Province)
14. 城市 (City)
15. 河流 (River)
16. 湖泊 (Lake)
17. 山脉 (Mountain Range)
18. 岛屿 (Island)
19. 森林 (Forest)
20. 沙漠 (Desert)
21. 草原 (Grassland)
22. 农田 (Farmland)
23. 道路 (Road)
24. 铁路 (Railway)
25. 桥梁 (Bridge)
26. 港口 (Port)
27. 机场 (***irport)
28. 建筑物 (Building)
29. 地图符号 (Map Symbols)
30. 图例 (Legend)
31. 标题 (Title)
32. 比例尺线 (Scale Line)
33. 方向指示 (Compass Rose)
34. 网格线 (Grid Lines)
35. 经纬度网 (Latitude and Longitude Grid)
36. 等高线 (Contour Lines)
37. 地图投影 (Map Projection)
38. 地图比例 (Map Scale)
39. 地图制图 (Cartography)
40. 地图解读 (Map Interpretation)
1. atlas [??tl?s] – 一本包含多张地图的书籍
2. cartography [kɑr?tɑɡr?fi] – 地图制作学
3. compass [?k?mp?s] – 导航仪
*** compass is a navigational instrument that is used to determine direction. It consists of a magnetic needle that aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field, allowing the user to find their way. The needle of a compass always points towards the Earth's magnetic north pole, which is located near the geographic North Pole.
Compasses have been used for centuries by explorers, sailors, and hikers to navigate through unfamiliar territory. They are an essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts and adventurers. With a compass, one can easily orient themselves and find their way back to a known location or navigate towards a specific destination.
In addition to the traditional magnetic compass, there are also electronic compasses that use sensors to detect the Earth's magnetic field. These modern compasses are often found in smartphones and other electronic devices, making it even more convenient for people to find their way in today's digital age.
Whether you're hiking in the mountains, sailing across the sea, or simply exploring a new city, a compass is a reliable and indispensable tool for finding your way. It provides a sense of direction and helps you stay on course, ensuring that you reach your desired destination safely and efficiently.
4. contour [?kɑnt?r] – 轮廓线
5. coordinate [ko???rd?n?t] – 位置
6. equator [??kwe?t?r] – the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.
7. geodesy [d?i?ɑd?si] – 地球测量学
8. globe [ɡlo?b] – 地球仪
9. grid [ɡr?d] – 网格
10. hemisphere [?h?m?sf?r] – 地球的两个半球之一
11. longitude [?l??ɡ?tju?d] – 经度
12. 图例(legend)是一种用于解释图表或地图中符号和颜色的说明性标记。它通常位于图表的一角或边缘,并提供了与图表中使用的符号、线条或颜色相关的信息。图例的目的是帮助读者理解图表中所表示的数据或信息,使其更易于阅读和解释。通过图例,读者可以快速了解不同符号或颜色所代表的含义,从而更好地理解图表的内容。图例在各种领域的图表和地图中都有广泛的应用,包括科学研究、市场调查、地理信息系统等。
13. longitude [?l??d??tud] – 地理坐标中的经度
14. magnetic declination [m?ɡ?n?t?k ?d?kl??ne???n] – 磁偏角
Magnetic declination refers to the angle between magnetic north and true north at a specific location on the Earth's surface. It is caused by the movement of the Earth's magnetic field and can vary depending on the geographical location. The magnetic declination is important for navigation and map reading, as it helps determine the difference between magnetic north and true north. By taking into account the magnetic declination, navigators can accurately adjust their compass readings to find their desired direction.
15. map scale [m?p ske?l] – 比例尺
*** map scale, also known as a cartographic scale, is a measurement that represents the relationship between distances on a map and the corresponding distances in the real world. It is typically expressed as a ratio or a fraction. The map scale allows users to accurately interpret the size and distance of features on a map.
For example, a map scale of 1:10,000 means that one unit of measurement on the map represents 10,000 units of measurement in the real world. This can be used to determine the actual distance between two points on the map.
Map scales are essential tools for cartographers, geographers, and anyone who uses maps for navigation or analysis. They ensure that maps accurately represent the spatial relationships between different locations and features.
16. meridian [m??r?di?n] – 纵向线
17. 导航是指通过使用地图、指南针、GPS等工具来确定位置和计算方向,以便在未知的地方准确地到达目的地的过程。导航在现代社会中非常重要,它不仅在航海、航空和旅行中起着关键作用,也在日常生活中帮助人们找到正确的路线。随着技术的发展,导航系统也越来越智能化,如车载导航系统、手机导航应用等,使得导航变得更加方便和精确。无论是在城市中还是在野外,导航都是我们不可或缺的工具,它帮助我们节省时间、避免迷路,并确保我们安全地到达目的地。
18. parallel [?p?r?l?l] – 平行的
1. 平行线具有相同的斜率。斜率是指直线上任意两点之间的垂直距离与水平距离的比值。
2. 平行线之间的夹角为零度。这意味着它们在任何点上都不会相交。
3. 平行线可以通过使用平行线公理来证明。平行线公理是几何学中的一个基本假设,它表明通过一点可以作一条与给定直线平行的直线。
19. topographic map [?t?p??ɡr?f?k m?p] – 地形地图
20. political map [p??l?t?k?l m?p] – 政治地图
*** political map is a type of map that focuses on showing the boundaries and divisions of countries, states, and other political entities. It provides information about the political landscape of a region, including the location of capitals, major cities, and administrative boundaries.
Political maps are essential tools for understanding the political structure and organization of a country or region. They help us visualize the distribution of power and the relationships between different political entities. By displaying the borders and territories of nations, political maps enable us to comprehend the complex dynamics of international relations.
In addition to displaying political boundaries, political maps often include other features such as rivers, mountains, and important landmarks. These additional elements help provide context and aid in navigation.
Political maps are widely used by governments, researchers, educators, and individuals who are interested in understanding the political landscape of a specific area. They are valuable resources for studying geopolitics, analyzing election results, planning infrastructure projects, and conducting research on political systems.
Overall, political maps play a crucial role in helping us comprehend the complex and ever-changing world of politics. They provide a visual representation of political boundaries and divisions, allowing us to better understand the political landscape of a region.
21. projection [pr??d??k??n] – 预测
Projection refers to the act of predicting or estimating future outcomes based on current information or trends. It involves using available data and analysis to make educated guesses about what may happen in the future.
In various fields such as finance, economics, and business, projections are commonly used to make informed decisions and plans. For example, financial analysts may project future earnings for a company based on its current financial performance and market conditions. Similarly, economists may project economic growth rates based on factors such as consumer spending, government policies, and global trends.
Projections can also be used in the field of technology. For instance, software developers may project the future demand for a particular product or service based on user feedback and market research. This helps them make decisions about product development and marketing strategies.
While projections can provide valuable insights and help guide decision-making, it is important to remember that they are not guarantees of what will actually happen. They are educated guesses based on available information, and unforeseen events or changes in circumstances can significantly impact the accuracy of projections.
In conclusion, projection involves making predictions or estimates about future outcomes based on current information or trends. It is a valuable tool used in various fields to make informed decisions and plans. However, it is important to approach projections with caution and consider the potential for unforeseen events or changes that may affect their accuracy.
22. relief [r??lif] – 浮雕
23. river [?r?v?r] – 河流
24. road map [ro?d m?p] – 路线规划
*** road map is a visual representation of a network of roads and highways, typically used for navigation and planning travel routes. It provides information about the layout and connectivity of roads, as well as the distances between different locations. Road maps are essential tools for drivers, as they help them navigate unfamiliar areas and find the most efficient routes to their destinations. With the advancement of technology, road maps are now available in various formats, including paper maps, GPS devices, and mobile applications. These digital road maps often come with additional features such as real-time traffic updates and points of interest, making them even more convenient for travelers. Whether you're embarking on a road trip or simply need directions to a specific location, a road map is an invaluable resource that can help you reach your destination safely and efficiently.
25. satellite imagery [?s?t?la?t ??m?d?ri] – satellite images
Satellite images, also known as satellite imagery, are photographs or pictures of the Earth's surface taken from space by satellites. These images provide valuable information about various aspects of the Earth, such as weather patterns, land use, and environmental changes. Satellite images are widely used in fields such as meteorology, urban planning, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. They play a crucial role in understanding and managing our planet's resources and ecosystems.
26. ocean surface [?o???n ?s??rf?s] – 海洋表面
27. *** topographic map is a type of map that represents the physical features of a particular area. It uses contour lines to show the elevation and shape of the land, as well as other symbols and colors to depict various natural and man-made features such as rivers, roads, and buildings. Topographic maps are commonly used by hikers, geologists, and urban planners to understand the terrain and plan their activities accordingly. They provide valuable information about the landscape, including the steepness of slopes, the presence of valleys or ridges, and the location of important landmarks. With the help of a topographic map, one can navigate through unfamiliar terrain, assess the suitability of an area for construction or development, or simply appreciate the beauty and complexity of the Earth's surface.
28. topography [t??pɑɡr?fi] – 地貌学
29. township [?ta?n??p] – 城镇区
Urban planning is the process of designing and organizing cities to ensure their efficient and sustainable development. It involves analyzing and understanding the needs of a city's population, as well as considering factors such as transportation, infrastructure, and land use. The goal of urban planning is to create livable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing urban environments that meet the needs of both current and future generations. It requires collaboration between urban planners, architects, engineers, and community members to create a vision for the city and implement strategies to achieve that vision. Urban planning plays a crucial role in shaping the growth and development of cities, promoting social equity, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability.
31. flora [?fl??r?] – 植物群落
32. watershed [?w?t?r??d] – dividing line
*** watershed, also known as a dividing line, marks the point where water flows in different directions. It is a geographical feature that separates one drainage basin from another. The concept of a watershed can also be applied metaphorically to describe a significant turning point or moment of change in various aspects of life. Just as a watershed determines the flow of water, a dividing line can shape the course of events or ideas.
33. weather map [?w?e?r m?p] – 气象图
*** weather map, also known as a meteorological map, is a graphical representation of various weather conditions and phenomena over a specific geographical area. It provides valuable information about temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and atmospheric pressure.
Weather maps are created using data collected from weather stations, satellites, and other meteorological instruments. This data is then analyzed and plotted on the map using different symbols, colors, and contour lines to represent different weather patterns.
By studying a weather map, meteorologists can make predictions about future weather conditions and track the movement of weather systems such as high and low-pressure areas, fronts, and storms. This information is crucial for planning daily activities, agricultural practices, and even for issuing weather warnings and advisories.
In addition to traditional paper maps, weather maps are now widely available online and through various mobile applications. These digital maps provide real-time updates and allow users to zoom in and out, customize layers, and access additional weather-related information.
Overall, weather maps play a vital role in understanding and predicting weather patterns, helping us make informed decisions and stay prepared for any changes in the weather.
34. global map [?ɡlo?b?l m?p] – 全球地图
35. zoom [zum] – 缩放
36. 图例(英文:legend)是一种用于解释图表、地图或其他视觉表示中符号和颜色的说明性标记。它通常位于图表的一角或边缘,并使用不同的形状、颜色或线条样式来表示不同的数据或类别。图例的目的是帮助读者理解图表中的符号含义,从而更好地解读和分析数据。无论是在科学研究、商业报告还是地理信息系统中,图例都是重要的辅助工具,使得复杂的信息更易于理解和传达。
37. scale bar [ske?l bɑr] – 标尺
38. compass rose [?k?mp?s ro?z] – 罗盘图案
*** compass rose is a decorative design that is often found on maps, charts, and compasses. It typically consists of a circular shape with lines radiating from the center, indicating the cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west) and sometimes the intermediate directions (northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest). The compass rose serves as a visual aid to help orient oneself and navigate accurately.
The compass rose is not only functional but also adds aesthetic appeal to maps and other navigational tools. It can be intricately designed with various patterns and symbols, making it a beautiful and eye-catching feature. The design of the compass rose can vary depending on cultural and historical influences, with different regions and time periods having their own unique styles.
In addition to its decorative purpose, the compass rose also holds symbolic meaning. It represents the idea of exploration, adventure, and the desire to discover new horizons. It reminds us of the importance of direction and guidance in our lives, both literally and metaphorically.
Overall, the compass rose is a fascinating and versatile design that combines both practicality and beauty. Its presence on maps and compasses not only helps us navigate our physical surroundings but also serves as a reminder of our innate curiosity and thirst for exploration.
39. key [ki] – 关键
40. 插图地图(Inset Map)是一种在主要地图上插入的小型地图,用于提供更详细的地理信息。插图地图通常用于显示较小的地区或特定的地理特征,例如城市、山脉或水体。它们可以帮助读者更好地理解主要地图上的位置和比例尺。插图地图通常以较小的比例尺绘制,以便显示更多的细节。它们可以在地图的角落或边缘处插入,或者以窗口的形式浮动在主要地图上方。插图地图在旅游指南、学术出版物和地理教科书中经常使用,以提供更全面的地理信息。

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