- Having lived in China for about 4 years now and in the US*** for over 14 years I think I’m well qualified to shed some light on this matter.***nd since I’m neither Chinese nor a westerner, you can be assured I won’t be sugar-coating anything or favor one over the other. These are simply my observations.
The biggest difference I discovered between the two, at a fundamental level is their priorities. Chinese culture tends to prioritize the result or the end whereas Western society prioritizes the process or the means.
China is Outcome-Driven:中国以结果为导向
- To put it very bluntly, China cares more about money than the west. The ideal outcome that every Chinese person strives for is to have more money. Yes, money is EXTREMELY important in Chinese culture because it guarantees security for the family. ***nd the memories of the difficult times is still fresh in the minds of the older generations.
This is why it is extremely important in Chinese culture to have your own house and car to show people that you have wealth. You’ve made it. How you attain that wealth is not really important or up for discussion, as long as you reach that status or checkmark.
Life is brutal and unforgiving. It is a culture where they respect power and money more than anything else.生活是残酷无情的,这是一种他们尊重权力和金钱的文化。
The West is System-Driven:西方是系统驱动的
While China is an outcome-driven culture, the west is a system-driven one. The outcome is important, but what’s more important in western culture is the processes andthe art that you use to reach that outcome.
That is why in the west it’s taboo to ask someone how much he/she makes. What’s more important is what the person does for a living.
In business, the Chinese will focus on reducing costs and increasing efficiency while Westerners, especially Europeans, will care more about how that product is made and provide valuable experiences with that product.
In western culture feelings or experiences are important while they are suppressed in eastern cultures. Westerners will say things like “how are you feeling today?” “how do you feel about bla bla bla?” etc. This is rare in China.
Living in ***sia I noticed how westerners are just wired differently from East ***sians. They will have tons of small talk even at work, talking about the news or some difficulties they encountered on their way to work that day.t
Rivial affairs that are never really the topic of conversation among the Chinese. For the Chinese, they made it to work on time, there’s nothing more to say on the matter.
To sum up the global economy today: The west supplies the designs, China implements those designs. Be it iPhones or Shanghai skyscrapers.
Collectivism vs Individualism:集体主义与个人主义
The second biggest difference between China and the west is that the former is a collectivist or conformist society, while the latter is an individualistic society.
The West is more individualistic and this is reflected in the political landscape. Europe is a fragmented continent. It is divided into many small countries which are in turn divided into many small regions and towns. ***nd each of these regions and towns has its distinct culture, architecture, customs, and sometimes even languages.
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